Honahlee, PC
dedicated to the preservation of valuable equine genetic lines
Honahlee PC, founded in 1992, was perhaps the first private practice in the US dedicated solely to equine reproduction. Designed and built in Sherwood, Oregon by its owner, veterinarian and theriogenologist, Dr. Lisa Metcalf, Honahlee rapidly expanded from a small equine breeding operation into a premier state-of the-art facility that has managed the breeding of many of the top competition horses, from multiple disciplines, throughout the world.
In 2012, Honahlee expanded into the equine IVF (in vitro fertilization) arena, joining MDs and embryologists in the OB/GYN Andrology department in OHSU. In 2018, all clinical services offered for the past 25 years at Honahlee were transferred to the capable hands of Dr Ryan Ferris, a theriogenologist from Colorado State University. Drs Metcalf and Ferris work closely together to provide state-of-the-art IVF services. Dr Ferris performs ovarian dissection and transvaginal oocyte aspiration for IVF as well as the embryo transfer.