Honahlee, PC


Peer-reviewed Papers

Metcalf, ES, Bender HS, Ley  WB et al. Fungal endometritis caused by Hansenula Spp. in the mare. 

        Manuscript currently in review.

Ley WB, Metcalf ES, Ochs DL et al. Dimethyl sulfoxide intrauterine therapy in the mare: effect upon uterine-derived neutrophil function. Theriogenology 33:6 pp 1177-1189 (1990)

Metcalf, L. Maximizing reproductive efficiency in private practice; the management of mares and the use of cryopreserved semen,  Proceedings Society for Theriogenology 1995; 155-159.

Metcalf, ES, Ley, WB,  Love, CC.  Semen Parameters of the American Miniature Horse Stallion.  Proceedings 43rd Annual Meeting Amer Assoc Eq Pract 1997; 202-203.

Metcalf ES. Pregnancy Rates with Cooled Equine Semen Received in Private Practice. Proceedings 44th Annual Meeting Amer Assoc Eq Pract 1998; pp 16-18.

Metcalf, ES.  The Effect of Postinsemination Endometritis on Fertility of Frozen Stallion Semen. Proceedings 46th Annual Meeting Amer Assoc Eq Pract 2000; pp 330-331.

Metcalf, ES The role of international transport of stallion semen on disease transmission. An Repro Sci 68. 229-237.  2001

Metcalf ES. The US importation and exportation of equine cryopreserved semen-the role of the veterinarian in private practice Proceedings 47thAnnual Meeting Amer Assoc Eq Pract 2001; 306-313. 

Metcalf ES, McCue PM, Jasko DJ, Root, JB. Evaluation of a test for equine early conception factor  (ECF). Proceedings 50thAnnual Meeting Amer Assoc Eq Pract 2004; 518-520.

Metcalf ES Optimizing pregnancy rates using frozen-thawed equine semen. Proceedings 51st Annual Meeting Amer Assoc Eq Pract 2005; 209-212

Metcalf ES Optimizing pregnancy rates using frozen-thawed equine semen.  Anim Reprod Sci 2005; 89: 297-299. 

Metcalf ES The efficient use of cryopreserved semen. Theriogenology 2007; 68 (3): 423-428.

Metcalf KB, Lilley CS, Revenaugh, MS, Glaser AL, Metcalf ES. The prevalence of antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi found in horses residing in the Northwestern United States. J Equine Vet Sci 2008; 28(10): 587-589. 

Metcalf ES, Dideon BA  Blehr R , Schlimgen T, Bertrand W, Varner DD, Sheila Teague S, Hausman MS.

 The Effect of DMSO and L-Ergothioneine, on Postthaw Semen Parameters in Stallions: Preliminary Results. An Repro Sci 2008; 107(3-4): 332-333.

Metcalf ES, Thompson MM. The effect of PGF2a-induction of estrus on pregnancy rates in mares. J Equine Vet Sci  2010; 34(4): 196-199.

Metcalf ES, Roser JF. The Relationships between Prolactin and Cortisol  Levels and the Formation of Anovulatory Follicles in the Mare. Anim Reprod Sci  121s2010; 54.

Metcalf ES. Breeding Shed Safety. Clinical Theriogenology  2010 2(2): 314-319.

Metcalf ES, Sanchez R. The Use of Mares on their First Postpartum Estrus (“Foal Heat”) in Embryo Transfer Programs.  J Equine Vet Sci  2012

Metcalf ES, Troedsson MHT,  Scoggin K. The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) on Endometrial Proinflammatory Cytokines in Susceptible Mares following Semen Deposition.  J Equine Vet Sci  2012; 32 (8): 498.

Woodward EM, Metcalf ES, Scoggin KE, et al. The Effect of Immune Modulators on Endometrial Cytokine Expression n Mares Susceptible to Persistent Breeding Induced Endometritis. Clin Theriogenology 2013 5(3): 364.

Metcalf ES. The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) on Intraluminal Fluid and Pregnancy Rates in Mares Susceptible to Persistent Mating-Induced Endometritis (PMIE). J Eq Vet Sci 2014; 34(1):128.

Metcalf ES.The Equine Embryo. Advances in Techniques: Trophectoderm Biopsy and Embryo Vitrification. Clin Theriogenology 2014; 6(3): 297-302.

Metcalf ES, Masterson KR, Battaglia D, Beck R, Cook NL The effect of a simulated physiological oocyte maturation system on the in vitro production of equine embryos. J Eq Vet Sci  2016; 41: 65.

Daughtry, BL, Metcalf ES, Masterson KR et al. Time-Lapse Image Analysis of Equine Pre-Implantation Embryo Development to the Blastocyst Stage. Theriogenology 2016; 86 (1):

Daughtry, BL, Masterson KR, Metcalf ES et al. Combining Time-Lapse Imaging and Next Generation RNA-Sequencing to Assess Equine Embryo Developmental Potential. J Eq Vet Sci 2016; 41: 80.

Metcalf ES, Masterson KR, Battaglia D. Effect of cryoprotectants, DMSO and Glycerol, on blastocyst production following intracytoplasmic sperm injection of in vitro matured  (IVM) equine oocytes and the relationship to sperm viability, acrosomal and chromatin integrity. Theriogenology 2016; 86 (1):

Daughtry B, Brooks KE, Metcalf ES and Chavez SL. Cross-Species Comparison of Chromosomal Instability During Mammalian Pre-Implantation Development. Clin Theriogenology 2017; 9(3): 425.

Metcalf ES, Masterson KR, Battaglia D, Beck R. Comparison of maturation, cleavage and blastocyst rates in equine oocytes recovered by transvaginal aspiration from estrogen-subordinate follicles versus non-estrogen-subordinate follicles. Clin Theriogenology 2017; 9(3): 449.

Metcalf, ES. The effect of collection schedule on pregnancy rates in mares. Proceedings 645h Annual Meeting Amer Assoc Eq Pract 2017; pp 60.

Metcalf, ES. How to ship equine oocytes. Proceedings 665h Annual Meeting Amer Assoc Eq Pract 2019; pp 360-363.

Carnevale, EM, Metcalf, ES. Morphology, developmental stages and quality parameters of invitro-produced equine embryos. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2019 Nov 13. doi: 10.1071/RD19257. [Epub ahead of print].

Brooks, KE, Daughtry, BL, Metcalf ES, Masterson, KR,  Battaglia, D, Gao, L. Park, B, Chavez, SL. Assessing equine embryo developmental competency by time-lapse image analysis. Reprod Fertil Dev 2019: 31(12): 1840-1850.

Metcalf ES, Masterson, KR, Battaglia D, Thompson, JG, Foss R, Beck,  R, Cook6, NL, O’Leary, T. Conditions to optimise the developmental competence of immature equine oocytes. Reprod Fertil Dev 2020 32(11):1012-1021.

Cook, NL, Masterson, KR, Battaglia, D,Rick Beck, R, Metcalf, ES. Dimethyl sulfoxide and glycerol as cryoprotectant agents of stallion semen: effects on blastocyst rates following intracytoplasmic sperm injection of IVM equine oocytes. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2020; 32(3): 253-258.

Metcalf ES, Battaglia D, O’Leary T, Estes, K, Ferris R. Optimizing overnight holding temperature of immature equine oocytes. J Eq Vet Sci 2020 89: 103056.

Metcalf ES, Battaglia D, Chavez S, Ferris R, O’Leary T. Developmental competence of equine MI oocytes following in vitro maturation culture. J Eq Vet Sci 2022 113: 3.

Metcalf ES, Battaglia D, Ferris R, O’Leary T. Developmental competence of equine MI oocytes following in vitro maturation culture. Clin Theriogenology 2022; 14(3): 295.

Book Chapters

Metcalf, ES.  Insemination and Breeding Management. in Samper, JC (ed): Equine Breeding Management  and Artificial Insemination, Philadelphia, Saunders, 2000.

Metcalf, ES.  Artificial Insemination of the Mare with Shipped Semen in Robinson (ed) Current Therapy in Equine Medicine.  Fifth Edition, Philadelphia, Saunders,  2003.

Metcalf, ES.  Breeding Management  to Optimize Pregnancy Rates in Reed, Bayle, Sellon (ed) Equine Internal MedicineSecond Edition, Philadelphia, Saunders,  2004.

Metcalf, ES.  Equine Embryo Transfer in Reed, Bayle, Sellon (ed) Equine Internal MedicineSecond Edition, Philadelphia, Saunders,  2004.

Metcalf, ES.  Hormonal Manipulation of the Mare in Reed, Bayle, Sellon (ed) Equine Internal MedicineSecond Edition, Philadelphia, Saunders,  2004.

Metcalf, ES. Spermatogenic Arrest (Testicular degeneration)  in Samper, Pycock, McKinnon (ed): Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction, St Louis, Saunders, 2007. 

Metcalf, ES.  Breeding Management to Optimize Pregnancy Rates in Reed, Bayle, Sellon (ed) Equine Internal MedicineThird Edition, Philadelphia, Saunders,  2008. 

Metcalf, ES.  Hormonal Manipulation of the Mare in Reed, Bayle, Sellon (ed) Equine Internal MedicineSecond Edition, Philadelphia, Saunders,  2008.

Metcalf, ES. Import and Export of Frozen Semen in McKinnon, Squires, Vaala, Varner (ed): Equine Reproduction, Second Edition, Philadelphia, Saunders, 2011

Metcalf, ES. Equine Venereal Disease in McKinnon, Squires, Vaala, Varner (ed): Equine Reproduction, Second Edition, Philadelphia, Saunders, 2011.

Magazine Articles

The articles listed below have appeared in varied forms in many other horse interest magazines, such as Western Arabian, American Quarter Horse, Northwest Miniature Horse, etc. for they are not under copywrite and are available for republication.  Please realize, however, that some of the information contained in the articles will be dated.

Flying Changes 

Jan 1993        Transported Semen

Feb 1993        Breeding Contracts

March 1993        Foaling Season Again

April 1993        Foaling Essentials I

May 1993        Foaling Essentials II

June 1993        Cause for Concern: Equine Viral Arteritis

Jan 1994        Retained Placenta

Feb 1994        Dealing with Difficult Births (Dystocia) I

Mar 1994        Dealing with Difficult Births (Dystocia) II

April 1994        Labor Pains

May 1994        EVA Update

June 1994        Inducing Labor

Nov 1995        Embryo Transfer

Dec 1995        It’s Twins!

Jan 1996        Endometritis: Roadblock to Conception

Dec 1998        Is Your Mare Ready to Breed? (Miller, C)

Jan 1999        Breeding with Frozen Semen (Miller, C)

Jan 2002        Breeding with Frozen Semen

Dec 2004        Improving Equine Pregnancy Rates

Jan 2005        Managing Your Mare

Mar 2006        Controlling EVA

Presentations by Invitation

Fungal endometritis caused by Hansenula Spp. in the mare. 

The Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine (1988)

Embryo transfer in the mare.

The Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine (1989)

Commercial Use of Transported Semen.

National Lipizzan Association (1994).

Commercial Use of Transported Semen

National Tennessee Walking Horse Association (1995)

Management of Mares Bred with Frozen Semen

Society for Theriogenology Annual Meeting (1995)

Frozen Semen Panel Discussion

Society for Theriogenology Annual Meeting (1995)

Artificial Insemination

American Morgan Horse Association National Convention

Portland OR 1996

Stallion Management

Oregon Morgan Horse Annual Meeting

Wilsonville, OR 1997

Semen Parameters of the American Miniature Horse Stallion

American Association of Equine Practitioners 1997

Pregnancy Rates with Cooled Equine Semen Received in Private Practice. 

American Association of Equine Practitioners 

Baltimore, MD 1998

The Effect of Postinsemination Endometritis on Fertility of Frozen Stallion Semen

American Association of Equine Practitioners 2000

The role of international transport of stallion semen on disease transmission. 

International Symposium Stallion Reproduction 2001

The US importation and exportation of equine cryopreserved semen-the role of the veterinarian in private practice 

American Association of Equine Practitioners 2001 

Evaluation of a test for equine early conception factor  (ECF). 

American Association of Equine Practitioners 2004

Equine Practice in the Pacific Northwest 

Opportunities in Equine Practice Symposium

Lexington, KY (2005)

Enhancing Pregnancy Rates in Private Practice

Problem Mare

Stallion Management

Update on Embryo Transfer and other Assisted Reproductive Techniques

Wild West Veterinary Conference

Reno, NV 2005 

Optimizing Pregnancy Rates Using Frozen-thawed Equine Semen

4th International Symposium 0n Stallion Reproduction

Hanover, Germany 2005 

Enhancing Pregnancy Rates in Private Practice 

American Association of Equine Practitioners

Seattle, WA 2005

Stallion Handling

Stallion Fertility

Optimizing Pregnancy Rates-fresh semen

Optimizing Pregnancy Rates-frozen semen

Preparation of the Mare for Breeding

Problem mare 

Cryopreservation of Equine Spermatozoa

Update on Embryo  Transfer

Advanced Equine Reproduction

Central Veterinary Conference-West

San Diego, CA 2006

Equine Shipped Semen 

American Association of Equine Practitioners

San Antonio, TX 2006

The Barren Mare

Zwolle International Congress Zwolle, The  Netherlands 2007

The Efficient Use Of Equine Cryopreserved Semen 

Society for Theriogenology

Monterey, CA 2007

Equine Viral Arteritis

Artificial Insemination with Cooled and Frozen Semen 

American Association of Equine Practitioners

Orlando, FL 2007

The Effects of DMSO and L-Ergothioneine on Post-Thaw Semen Parameters in Stallions: Preliminary Results

The International Symposium on Stallion reproduction

Gramago, Brazil 2008

Equine Shipped Semen 

American Association of Equine Practitioners

San Diego, 2008

Board Certification in Theriogenology

American Association of Equine Practitioners

San Diego, 2008

Optimizing Pregnancy Rates

NA-KWPN Annual Meeting

Del Mar, CA 2009

Equine Shipped Semen 

American Association of Equine Practitioners

Las Vegas, NV 2009

Board Certification in Theriogenology

American Association of Equine Practitioners

LasVegas, NV 2009

The Relationships between Prolactin and Cortisol  Levels and the formation of anovulatory follicles in the mare

The International Society of Equine Reproduction X

Lexington KY 2010

Breeding Shed Safety

Society for Theriogenology

Seattle WA 2010

Breeding Shed Safety

The Problem Mare

Update Embryo Transfer

Optimizing Pregnancy rates

Wild West Veterinary Conference

Reno, NV 2010

Breeding Soundness- Stallion

Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART)

Endometritis in the Mare


Padona, Italy 2011

Optimizing Pregnancy Rates

American Hannovarian Society Annual Meeting

Portland OR 2011

Case reports— 

Embryo Transfer Using Donor Mares on Foal Heat 

Anovulatory Cycles

American Association of Equine Practitioners Resort Symposium

Kauai, HI 2012

Embryo Transfer Using Foal Heat Mares

International Symposiumn on Equine Embryo Transfer

Vancouver, BC 2012

The Effect of PRP on Endometrial Proiflammatory Cytokines in Susceptible Mares following Semen Deposition

International Symposium on Stallion Reproduction

Vienna Austria 2012

The Effect of PRP on Endometrial Proinflammatory Cytokines in PMIE Mares following Insemination

North Amerivan Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Association

Savannah, GA 2012

Specialty Certification in Theriogenology

The Problem Breeding Mare

American Association of Equine Practitioners

Anaheim, CA 2012

Optimizing Pregnancy Rates

American Morgan Horse Association Annual Meeting

Portland, OR 2013

The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) on Intraluminal Fluid and Pregnancy Rates in Mares Susceptible to Persistent Mating-Induced Endometritis (PMIE)

The International Society of Equine Reproduction XI

Hamilton, NZ 2014

Anovulatory Cycles

Breeding Shed Safety

Embryos, Embryos, Embryos

Equine Reproduction Cases

Optimizing Pregnancy Rates in an Artificial Insemination Program

Persistent Mating-Induced Endometritis

Midwest Veterinary Conference

Columbus, OH 2014

The Equine Embryo

Advances in Techniques: Trophectoderm Biopsy and Embryo Vitrification

Society for Theriogenology Annual Convention

Portland, OR 2014

Anovulatory Cycles

Persistent Mating-Induced Endometritis

Advancing the Breeding Season

The Breeding Shed

Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART)as an Option

American Association of Equine Practitioners Resort Meeting

Kona, HI 2015

The effect of a simulated physiological oocyte maturation system on the in vitro production of equine embryos. 

International Symposiumn on Equine Embryo Technology

Ghent, Belgium 2016

Comparison of maturation, cleavage and blastocyst rates in equine oocytes recovered by transvaginal aspiration from estrogen-subordinate follicles versus non-estrogen-subordinate follicles.

Society for Theriogenology Annual Convention

Fort Collins, CO 2017

The effect of collection schedule on pregnancy rates in mares. 

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention

San Antonio, TX 2017

How to ship equine oocytes

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention

Denver, CO 2019